September 19, 2022 Agenda
261 Sinsinawa Avenue
East Dubuque, IL 61025
September 19, 2022
6:00 p.m.
Please Turn Cell Phones Off During Meeting
Please be Quiet During Discussions
Please Stand for the Pledge of Allegiance
- 22-0915 Call to Order – Mayor
- 22-0916 Staff Reports:
- City Manager Report
- Galena Country Tourism
- Correspondence from Greater Dubuque
- Mayor Report
- Alderman Report
- Belken
- Fluhr
- Hoffmann
- Walsh
- Burgmeier
- City Attorney, Terry Kurt
- Police Chief, Luke Kovacic
- Public Works Director, Mark Fluhr
- Current Project Update
- Fire Chief, Joe Heim
- 22-0917 Speakers from the Floor
- 22-0918 Consent Agenda (City Council Minutes (9/6/22), Public Safety Report(s), Warrants, Zoning Minutes and Correspondence ROLL CALL
- 22-0919 Discussion and Possible Action to Accept the Resignation of Linda Waltz, Chairperson of the East Dubuque Zoning Board in the City of East Dubuque, Jo Daviess County, Illinois / Mayor Degenhardt, City Manager Herrig ROLL CALL
- 22-0920 Discussion and Possible Action to Extend East Dubuque Cruisin’ Thursday Night’s Car Show Through October 6, 2022, in the City of East Dubuque, Jo Daviess County, Illinois / Mayor Degenhardt, City Manager Herrig ROLL CALL
- 22-0921 Discussion and Possible Action on a Timeclock in the City of East Dubuque, Jo Daviess County, Illinois / Mayor Degenhardt, City Manager Herrig ROLL CALL
- 22-0922 Executive Session: 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(1) Personnel Matters / Mayor Degenhardt, City Manager Herrig
- 22-0923 Discussion and Possible Action on Matters Discussed in Executive Session in the City of East Dubuque, Jo Daviess County, Illinois / Mayor Degenhardt, City Manager Herrig ROLL CALL
- 22-0924 Adjourn