May 22, 2023 Minutes
261 Sinsinawa Avenue
East Dubuque, IL 61025
May 22, 2023
5:00 p.m.
Please Stand for the Pledge of Allegiance
1. 23-0534 Call to Order – Mayor
Start Time: 5:00 p.m.
Alderperson Belken, Alderperson Burgmeier, Alderperson Degenhardt, Alderperson Meier and Attorney Kurt Absent - Alderperson Fluhr and Alderperson Robey
2. 23-0535 Discussion and Possible Action to Purchase a Street Sweeper in the City of East Dubuque,
Jo Daviess County, Illinois / Mayor Digman, City Manager Herrig
City Manager Herrig – looked at fixing the old sweeper would have cost city $96,793.00 with only a 40% working efficiency. So, the council said to go and start looking for a replacement. Looked at used and new and then came up with a demo model for $275,000.00.
Joe Knabel – Need to replace the old sweeper. They guys got to run the demo sweeper and liked how it worked. Demo model is a 2022 with 3500 miles and less than 50 hours. We will get a warranty as if it was a new unit at the start of the purchase. Has a stainless-steel hopper with a limited lifetime warranty.
Alderperson Meier – What is the warranty on the truck. Two years on the truck. What about the engine and after treatment. Also, two years on the Freightliner side of it. Cummins is usually three year unlimited. When they put these sweepers together, they do not add the extended warranty.
Alderperson Meier – can this be put up more than 200 horsepower.
Joe Knabel – Went 65 miles per hour when driving it up here. It’s geared low and not meant to drive on the interstate.
Alderperson Meier – where do we dump this stuff when it is full. Down at the shop.
City Manager Herrig – We are required to sweep because of the MS4 requirements. Old one is just a dust storm if you follow behind it.
Mayor Digman – What is the plan for old sweeper.
Joe Knabel – Talking with Fred maybe taking the body from it and making it into a flatbed truck.
City Manager Herrig – can put up like surplus property and sell.
Alderperson Meier – Do we have to bid it out. Yes, we do have to bid it out.
City Manager Herrig - $275,000.00 we would finance it with the first payment on delivery and four more payments since it is a five-year payment plan. Fidelity Bank suggested the 5.49% was a good deal and could not match. The payment would come out of Public Works.
Motion by Alderperson Belken to Approve Purchase of Street Sweeper second by Alderperson Degenhardt ROLL CALL: Ayes – Alderperson Belken, Alderperson Burgmeier, Alderperson Degenhardt and Alderperson Meier Motion carried Absent - Alderperson Fluhr and Alderperson Robey
3. 23-0536 Discussion and Possible Action to Replace Mooring Cells in the City of East Dubuque,
Jo Daviess County, Illinois / Mayor Digman, City Manager Herrig
City Manager Herrig – This is for the Boat Dock. Was quoted $51,000.00 at a minimum from Newt. Also received another quote from Petitgout. Would like to authorize Mark to get the best price between the two. The set up is bad because of the strong current.
Alderperson Meier – Petitgout will need to pull bid because mooring cells are deep. Said to look for grants like handicap assessable.
City Manager Herrig – Corps would like to have it moved but Corps will not help with building new ramp.
Alderperson Burgmeier – Would like to see it on the north side.
Other launch sites at Midtown, Millennium and Frentress cost $5 and we do not charge.
Motion by Alderperson Burgmeier to Table Replacement of Mooring Cells second by Alderperson Meier ROLL CALL: Ayes – Alderperson Belken, Alderperson Burgmeier, Alderperson Degenhardt and Alderperson Meier Motion carried Absent - Alderperson Fluhr and Alderperson Robey
4. 23-0537 Discussion and Possible Action to Appoint Dawn Stelpflug to the Zoning Board in the City of East Dubuque, Jo Daviess County, Illinois / Mayor Digman, City Manager Herrig
No motion.
5. 23-0538 Discussion and Possible Action to Approve A Resolution Establishing a Tax Abatement for May Beth Althaus Owner of Iron Paw Properties, LLC in the City of East Dubuque, Jo Daviess County, Illinois / Mayor Digman, City Manager Herrig
With a voluntary annexation there is a 3-year tax abatement.
Motion by Alderperson Belken to Approve A Resolution Establishing a Tax Abatement for May Beth Althaus Owner of Iron Paw Properties, LLC second by Alderperson Burgmeier ROLL CALL: Ayes – Alderperson Belken, Alderperson Burgmeier, Alderperson Degenhardt and Alderperson Meier Motion carried Absent - Alderperson Fluhr and Alderperson Robey
6. 23-0539 Discussion and Possible Action to Approve Rescheduling July 3rd Meeting in the City of East Dubuque, Jo Daviess County, Illinois / Mayor Digman, City Manager Herrig
This is a workday but is the night that Dubuque has their fireworks.
Since July has 5 Mondays do you want to shift to the 2nd and 4th Mondays.
Attorney Kurt – Will need to put a public notice out that we changed dates.
Motion by Alderperson Belken to Rescheduling July Meetings second by Alderperson Meier ROLL CALL: Ayes – Alderperson Belken, Alderperson Burgmeier, Alderperson Degenhardt and Alderperson Meier Motion carried Absent - Alderperson Fluhr and Alderperson Robey
7. 23-0540 Adjourn
End Time: 5:26 p.m.
Motion by Alderperson Degenhardt to Adjourn second by Alderperson Burgmeier ROLL CALL: Ayes – Alderperson Belken, Alderperson Burgmeier, Alderperson Degenhardt and Alderperson Meier Motion carried Absent - Alderperson Fluhr and Alderperson Robey
Pam McCarthy
City Clerk, East Dubuque