May 10th Minutes

May 25, 2021


261 Sinsinawa Avenue

East Dubuque, IL  61025


May 10, 2021

6:00 p.m.

Please Stand for the Pledge of Allegiance

   1.  21-0501    Call to Order – Mayor VanOstrand

Start Time: 6:00 p.m.

Alderman Arling, Alderman Belken, Alderman Degenhardt, Alderperson Pearson,
Alderperson Stelpflug and Attorney Kurt

                        a.  City of East Dubuque Fire Station Public Hearing

Public Fire Station USDA Community Facilities Loan application. With the number of needs between the buildings and equipment deficiencies is the reason for submitting for USDA loan. Total project is estimated to cost approximately $2,975,000.00. City intends to submit a full application to USDA for a Community Facilities Loan to proceed with the construction of a new station.

Motion by Alderman Degenhardt to Close East Dubuque Fire Station Public Hearing second by Alderman Belken    ROLL CALL: Ayes – Alderman Arling, Alderman Belken,
Alderman Degenhardt, Alderperson Pearson and Alderperson Stelpflug    Motion carried

   2.  21-0502    Staff Reports

                        a.  City Manager Report

  i.   Relocation of East Dubuque Police Department

Deterioration of the Police Department is the reason for moving to City Hall. The roof is leaking badly and mold has started to form with a matter of time before the ceiling crashes in. Moving to City Hall is the least costly alternative, but if it doesn’t work will look into different options. Will be in new back office and conference room.

                        b.  Mayor Report

                        c.  Alderman Report

                               i.   Arling

Want to thank everyone on the council and everyone who voted for him.

                              ii.   Belken

May 31st will be the American Legion parade would like candidates to participate.

                             iii.   Degenhardt

Lion’s club flower sale of 430 plants in 2 days.

                             iv.   Pearson

                              v.   Stelpflug

Court hearing is up to the judge who is available to come in. Court dates are just for people who have court case. City Hall actually becomes a courtroom, which is the 3rd Wednesday of each month. Council meetings will be going back to 2 days a month starting in July but only allow 36 people which is 60%.

                        d.  City Attorney, Terry Kurt

                        e.  Police Chief, Luke Kovacic

                               i.   DACRA Update

Second court went well with 2 people showed up. Nescience tickets judge would like police to take a picture the same day to show the judge. New Mayor from Warren would like to also join in.

Tonight is the first night for Officer Stines and all squads are up and running 100%.

K-9 donations are coming in steadily in mid $40,000.00. Officer Peacock did interview with KCRG May 10th. Officer Peacock to school in September for 4 to 5 weeks in Wisconsin and Certification in Rockford. Can also apply for a camera grant for the K-9 vehicle.

                        f.  Public Works Director, Mark Fluhr

Frentress Lake system will take roughly a month for on inside of tower. Will be painting lines downtown in next couple of weeks. Will be setting up meetings with contractors for the impound lot. Will find out the cost to prep, hard lot and fence around lot. Alderman Arling says could get $30 to $40 a day and he has offered to come to meetings.

                        g.  Fire Chief, Joe Heim

                               i.   New Medical Direction

May 17 will change to Swedish Medical in Rockford instead of Mercy Medical direction.

                              ii.   IDOL/OSHA Compliance Completed

Like to make it like an ISO inspection.

14 or 15 calls ahead of last year.

                             iii.   Presentation of Pin

Presented Officer Lange for helping a person not breathing. Officer Lange did CPR till the ambulance showed ups.

   3.  21-0503    Speakers from the Floor


   4.  21-0504    Consent Agenda (City Council Minutes 04/12/2021, 04/20/2021, Public Safety Report(s), Warrants, Zoning, and Correspondence)

Motion by Alderman Arling to Consent Agenda (City Council Minutes 04/12/2021,
04/20/2021, Public Safety Report(s), Warrants, Zoning, and Correspondence) second by Alderman Degenhardt    ROLL CALL: Ayes – Alderman Arling, Alderman Belken,
Alderman Degenhardt, Alderperson Pearson and Alderperson Stelpflug    Motion carried



   5.  21-0505    Official Oath for Newly Elected Officials in the City of East Dubuque, Jo Daviess County, Illinois / Attorney Terry Kurt

City Clerk McCarthy, Ward 1 - Alderman Fluhr, Ward 2 - Alderman Muir and Ward 3 – Alderman Burgmeier.

No action needed.


   6.  21-0506    Recognition of Council Members in the City of East Dubuque, Jo Daviess County, Illinois / Mayor VanOstrand, City Manager Herrig

Alderman Werner’s family was present to receive his plaque.

Leaving Council Members are Alderman Arling, Alderman Belken and Alderperson Stelpflug.

No action needed.

   7.  21-0507    Discussion and Possible Action to Contribute Funding for the Workforce Housing Study for Northwest Illinois in the City of East Dubuque, Jo Daviess County, Illinois / Mayor VanOstrand, City Manager Herrig

Emily Legel zoomed with an update on other cities donations in Jo Daviess. Welcomed new Council Members and letting them know what a great tool this would be for the City. Will show a need for more housing. Will be contributing $1,000 for the Workforce Housing Study for Northwest Illinois.

Motion by Alderman Degenhardt to Contribute Funding for the Workforce Housing Study for Northwest Illinois second by Alderman Burgmeier    ROLL CALL: Ayes – Alderman Burgmeier, Alderman Degenhardt, Alderman Fluhr and Alderman Muir    Absent – Alderperson Pearson    Motion carried


   8.  21-0508    Discussion and Possible Action to Approve Scheduling a Strategic Planning and Goal Setting Session in the City of East Dubuque, Jo Daviess County, Illinois / Mayor VanOstrand, City Manager Herrig, Jennifer Walker ECIA

Jennifer Walker – want to see what skills everyone can bring to the table. Make a list of what we need to work on be it short or long term goals. This is to make sure everything keeps moving forward. Would complete a survey before they meet 1st time with meeting about 2 to 3 hrs with 1 or 2 meetings. Everyone gets a chance to put out what they think is important for City (most important). Also include department heads.

Motion by Alderman Burgmeier to Approve Scheduling a Strategic Planning and Goal Setting Session second by Alderman Fluhr    ROLL CALL: Ayes – Alderman Burgmeier, Alderman Degenhardt, Alderman Fluhr and Alderman Muir    Absent – Alderperson Pearson    Motion carried


   9.  21-0509    Discussion and Possible Action to Approve Resolution Authorizing Execution for the Sale of Surplus Municipal Property in the City of East Dubuque, Jo Daviess County, Illinois / Mayor VanOstrand, City Manager Herrig

Runde properties could have bids by June. More people interested then we know.

Motion by Alderman Degenhardt to Approve Resolution Authorizing Execution for the Sale of Surplus Municipal Property second by Alderman Muir    ROLL CALL: Ayes – Alderman Burgmeier, Alderman Degenhardt, Alderman Fluhr and Alderman Muir    Absent – Alderperson Pearson    Motion carried


10.  21-0510    Discussion and Cost of Condemning Property in the City of East Dubuque, Jo Daviess County, Illinois / Mayor VanOstrand, City Manager Herrig

Bills was large so didn’t have to pay.

No action needed.


11.  21-0511    Discussion and Possible Action to Approve East Dubuque Fire Department Strategic Plan 2020-2022 in the City of East Dubuque, Jo Daviess County, Illinois / Mayor VanOstrand, City Manager Herrig

Motion by Alderman Degenhardt to Approve East Dubuque Fire Department Strategic Plan 2020-2022 second by Alderman Fluhr    ROLL CALL: Ayes – Alderman Burgmeier, Alderman Degenhardt, Alderman Fluhr and Alderman Muir    Absent – Alderperson Pearson    Motion carried



12.  21-0512    Discussion and Possible Action to Approve Changing City Council Meeting Dates and Times in the City of East Dubuque, Jo Daviess County, Illinois / Mayor VanOstrand, City Manager Herrig

What works best for everyone? Would like to make once a month.

Motion by Alderman Degenhardt to Table Till have a New Member second by Alderman Burgmeier    ROLL CALL: Ayes – Alderman Burgmeier, Alderman Degenhardt, Alderman Fluhr and Alderman Muir    Absent – Alderperson Pearson    Motion carried


13.  21-0513    Discussion and Possible Action to Amend Ordinance 21-0108 an Ordinance for Vehicular and Non-Vehicular Violations in the City of East Dubuque, Jo Daviess County, Illinois / Mayor VanOstrand, City Manager Herrig

Possession of small amounts illegal cannabis or dug paraphernalia $250, DACRA change.

Motion by Alderman Fluhr to Amend Ordinance 21-0108 an Ordinance for Vehicular and Non-Vehicular Violations second by Alderman Burgmeier    ROLL CALL: Ayes – Alderman Burgmeier, Alderman Degenhardt, Alderman Fluhr and Alderman Muir    Absent – Alderperson Pearson    Motion carried


14.  21-0514    Discussion and Possible Action to Renew Contract with Code Red Warning Agreement in the City of East Dubuque, Jo Daviess County, Illinois / Mayor VanOstrand, City Manager Herrig

Code Red Warning system get the automated system to talk with citizens about storms or weather main breaks.

Motion by Alderman Muir to Renew Contract with Code Red Warning Agreement second by Alderman Degenhardt    ROLL CALL: Ayes – Alderman Burgmeier, Alderman Degenhardt, Alderman Fluhr and Alderman Muir    Absent – Alderperson Pearson    Motion carried


15.  21-0515    Adjourn

End Time: 7:23 p.m.

Motion by Alderman Degenhardt to Adjourn second by Alderman Fluhr    ROLL CALL:
Ayes – Alderman Burgmeier, Alderman Degenhardt, Alderman Fluhr and Alderman Muir    Absent – Alderperson Pearson    Motion carried

Pam McCarthy

City Clerk, East Dubuque

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