March 7, 2022 Minutes

March 29, 2022


261 Sinsinawa Avenue

East Dubuque, IL  61025


March 7, 2022

6:00 p.m.

Please Stand for the Pledge of Allegiance

   1.  22-0301    Call to Order – Mayor

Start Time: 6:00 p.m.

Alderman Biermeier, Alderman Burgmeier, Alderman Fluhr, Alderman Pearson and
Attorney Kurt    Absent – Alderman Muir

   2.  22-0302    Staff Reports

                        a.  City Manager Report

                               i.   Liquor License Holder Meeting

There were 5 license holders at the meeting. Some of the highlights are outdoor dinning, want to be included in downtown renovations and perception of negativity from city hall. Was a good meeting with next meeting in May.

Alderman Pearson – Do they want outdoor Dinning? Attorney Kurt will be looking into it and information for us.

                              ii.   Streaming of City Council Meetings

People are liking the streaming of meetings. Only not able to hear people so everyone needs to speak into the mics. Just beneficial for citizens to be informed.

                             iii.   Thank You’s

Received a nice thank you from Council Member Pearson and a nice compliment to Officer Mast.

                             iv.   Update on Barge Terminal Road and Frentress Lake Intersections

Quite extensive this construction season.

                              v.   Spring Outlook #2

Above normal this year depending on amount of rain fall this spring.

                             vi.   ITS Improvement Project

Chandra Ravada would like to include East Dubuque in the STREETS (Smart Traffic Routing with Efficient & Effective Traffic System) program. The program will install cameras on Highway 20 out to Barge Terminal Road and on Highway 35 out to the Wisconsin Bridge. City Manager Herrig asked to include our downtown area and have agreed.

Alderman Pearson – Is this funded? Yes state and federal. Do we need video storage? Storage is in Dubuque already. Storage is only for 30 days only.

Alderman Biermeier – Where can footage be seen? Will be able to see at the Police Station.

                            vii.   Illinois Department of Commerce Meeting

Really good meeting. Rebuild grants are looking very well but not awarded yet.

                           viii.   Meeting with EDFD

Fire fighters frustrations are with replacing the old trucks. Trucks right now are 40 and
25 years old. Will take a year to receive a new truck that would cost $500,00 for a pumper.

Alderman Biermeier – Anything we might be able to push so we can give to Fire Department. Everything is going to specified projects already, which are funding specific only.

No doubt for need of fire trucks and only so many things can be done at a time. Jill Pepin looking into money for Fire Department. Looking at beginning of 2023 to order truck which should be in by the time the new Fire Department building is done.

Would a referendum be an option? Will raise taxes for an amount of time (will be a vote). Would be a simple majority but will need to get to the County Clerk by August for a November vote.

Alderman Pearson – Will Bob Johnson be at our March meeting? Thinking he should be.

                        b.  Mayor Report

A lot of irons in the fire we are moving on and hope things go good.

                        c.  Alderman Report

                               i.   Biermeier

                              ii.   Burgmeier

Asked Mike Meyer about ramp in front of The Otherside. Front ramp is not finished and need to use the back door ramp. All businesses should be ADA Accessible.

                             iii.   Degenhardt

                             iv.   Fluhr

                              v.   Muir

                             vi.   Pearson

Stepped down from Northwest Economic in February also Emily Legel has stepped down.

                        d.  City Attorney, Terry Kurt

Is Bar Association President.

                        e.  Police Chief, Luke Kovacic

                        f.  Public Works Director, Mark Fluhr

                        g.  Fire Chief, Joe Heim

March 19th for the strategic planning.

   3.  22-0303    Speakers from the Floor

Diane Gallagher – Thanked City Manager Herrig and let us know about a meeting on March 22nd at 5:30 for Illinois Housing Authority. This will be done by zoom. Would like to have representatives for upcoming ribbon cuts.

   4.  22-0304    Consent Agenda (City Council Minutes 02/21/2022, Public Safety Report(s), Warrants, Zoning, and Correspondence) also Bill for City Attorney Kurt

Motion by Alderman Burgmeier to Consent Agenda (City Council Minutes 02/21/2022, Public Safety Report(s), Warrants, Zoning, and Correspondence) second by Alderman Biermeier    ROLL CALL: Ayes – Mayor Degenhardt, Alderman Biermeier, Alderman Burgmeier, Alderman Fluhr and Alderman Pearson    Motion carried     Absent – Alderman Muir


   5.  22-0305    Discussion and Possible Action to Approve Annexation of Terry Redfearn Property in the City of East Dubuque, Jo Daviess County, Illinois / Mayor Degenhardt, City Manager Herrig

Want to approve the voluntary annexation of the Redfearn property. With the voluntary annexation city has agreed to abate the city taxes for the first three years.

Motion by Alderman Biermeier to Approve Annexation of Terry Redfearn Property second by Alderman Fluhr    ROLL CALL: Ayes – Mayor Degenhardt, Alderman Biermeier, Alderman Burgmeier, Alderman Fluhr and Alderman Pearson    Motion carried     Absent – Alderman Muir


   6.  22-0306    Discussion and Possible Action to Amend Title 2 City Administration Ordinance in the City of East Dubuque, Jo Daviess County, Illinois / Mayor Degenhardt, City Manager Herrig

Update city codes – Title 2 had some updates replacing old with new Title 2. Needs a lot of cleaning.

Alderman Biermeier – Break in chapters for next meeting. Could we table or have a special meeting.

Alderman Pearson – Have a lot of questions and would like a special meeting.

Motion by Alderman Burgmeier for Special Meeting on March 14, 2022 for Title 2 City Administration Ordinance second by Alderman Pearson    ROLL CALL: Ayes – Mayor Degenhardt, Alderman Biermeier, Alderman Burgmeier, Alderman Fluhr and Alderman Pearson    Motion carried     Absent – Alderman Muir


   7.  22-0307    Discussion and Possible Action on a Tree Cutting and Tree Waste Removal Ordinance in the City of East Dubuque, Jo Daviess County, Illinois / Mayor Degenhardt, City Manager Herrig

Jo Carroll does not clean up cut tree waste. This ordinance would make them remove what they cut. Also for anyone who cut tree’s.

Mark Fluhr – Talked with Galena and told what we are going to do with them saying might just jump on making a change also. They are cutting back the 7-year growth.

Alderman Burgmeier – Is there a lot of trees that are a mess? Yes.

Motion by Alderman Burgmeier to Approve Action on a Tree Cutting and Tree Waste Removal Ordinance second by Alderman Biermeier    ROLL CALL: Ayes – Mayor Degenhardt, Alderman Biermeier, Alderman Burgmeier, Alderman Fluhr and Alderman Pearson    Motion carried     Absent – Alderman Muir


   8.  22-0308    Discussion and Possible Action to Approve a Resolution of the City of East Dubuque in Support of Tax Increment Financing in the City of East Dubuque, Jo Daviess County, Illinois / Mayor Degenhardt, City Manager Herrig

One tool to get economic development. We support tiff.

Motion by Alderman Pearson to Approve a Resolution of the City of East Dubuque in Support of Tax Increment Financing second by Alderman Biermeier    ROLL CALL: Ayes – Mayor Degenhardt, Alderman Biermeier, Alderman Burgmeier, Alderman Fluhr and Alderman Pearson    Motion carried     Absent – Alderman Muir


   9.  22-0309    Discussion and Possible Action to Hire Public Works Employee Michael Busch at Starting Wage of $21.51/hour Effective March 21, 2022 in the City of East Dubuque, Jo Daviess County,
Illinois / Mayor Degenhardt, City Manager Herrig

Introduced new employee for Public Works. He was the only application city received. Coming from IIW/Origin. His certification could be done in a year or year and half.

Mayor Degenhardt – Welcome aboard.

Alderman Pearson – Very impressive and welcome aboard.

Alderman Burgmeier – Welcome

Motion by Alderman Pearson to Approve Hiring of Public Works Employee Michael Busch at Starting Wage of $21.51/hour Effective March 21, 2022 second by Alderman Burgmeier    ROLL CALL: Ayes – Mayor Degenhardt, Alderman Biermeier, Alderman Burgmeier, Alderman Fluhr and Alderman Pearson    Motion carried     Absent – Alderman Muir


10.  22-0310    Discussion and Possible Action to Approve to Authorize Mayor and City Manager to Sigh Loan Documents Associated with the USDA RD Community Facilities Loan Application for the New Fire Station in the City of East Dubuque, Jo Daviess County, Illinois / Mayor Degenhardt, City Manager Herrig

Get it authorized for Jill Pepin to get paperwork going.

Motion by Alderman Burgmeier to Approve to Authorize Mayor and City Manager to Sigh Loan Documents Associated with the USDA RD Community Facilities Loan Application for the New Fire Station second by Alderman Pearson    ROLL CALL: Ayes – Mayor Degenhardt, Alderman Biermeier, Alderman Burgmeier, Alderman Fluhr and Alderman Pearson    Motion carried     Absent – Alderman Muir


11.  22-0311    Discussion and Possible Action to Approve to Authorize Mayor and City Manager to Sign Loan Documents Associated with the USDA RD Community Facilities Loan Application for the New Police Station in the City of East Dubuque, Jo Daviess County, Illinois / Mayor Degenhardt, City Manager Herrig

Get it authorized for Jill Pepin to get paperwork going.

Motion by Alderman Burgmeier to Approve to Authorize Mayor and City Manager to Sign Loan Documents Associated with the USDA RD Community Facilities Loan Application for the New Police Station second by Alderman Pearson    ROLL CALL: Ayes – Mayor Degenhardt, Alderman Biermeier, Alderman Burgmeier, Alderman Fluhr and Alderman Pearson    Motion carried     Absent – Alderman Muir


12.  22-0312    Executive Session: 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(11) Litigation / Mayor Degenhardt, City Manager Herrig

Motion by Alderman Pearson to Go into Executive Session second by Alderman Biermeier    ROLL CALL: Ayes – Mayor Degenhardt, Alderman Biermeier, Alderman Burgmeier, Alderman Fluhr and Alderman Pearson    Motion carried     Absent – Alderman Muir

Motion by Alderman Biermeier to Leave Executive Session second by Alderman Burgmeier    ROLL CALL: Ayes – Mayor Degenhardt, Alderman Biermeier, Alderman Burgmeier, Alderman Fluhr and Alderman Pearson    Motion carried     Absent – Alderman Muir


13.  22-0313    Discussion and Possible Action on Matters Discussed in Executive Sessions in the City of East Dubuque, Jo Daviess County, Illinois / Mayor Degenhardt, City Manager Herrig

Motion by Alderman Pearson to Annex Land Talked About second by Alderman Biermeier    ROLL CALL: Ayes – Mayor Degenhardt, Alderman Biermeier, Alderman Burgmeier, Alderman Fluhr and Alderman Pearson    Motion carried     Absent – Alderman Muir

Motion by Alderman Burgmeier to Have Appraisals Done on Menominee Addresses second by Mayor Degenhardt    ROLL CALL: Ayes – Mayor Degenhardt, Alderman Biermeier, Alderman Burgmeier, Alderman Fluhr and Alderman Pearson    Motion carried     Absent – Alderman Muir


14.  22-0314    Adjourn

End Time: 7:25 p.m.

Motion by Alderman Pearson to Adjourn second by Alderman Biermeier    ROLL CALL:
Ayes – Mayor Degenhardt, Alderman Biermeier, Alderman Burgmeier, Alderman Fluhr and Alderman Pearson    Motion carried     Absent – Alderman Muir

Pam McCarthy

City Clerk, East Dubuque

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