March 6, 2023 Minutes
261 Sinsinawa Avenue
East Dubuque, IL 61025
March 6, 2023
6:00 p.m.
Please Stand for the Pledge of Allegiance
1. 23-0301 Call to Order – Mayor
Start Time: 6:00 p.m.
Alderman Belken, Alderman Burgmeier, Alderman Fluhr, Alderman Hoffman, Alderman Walsh and Attorney Kurt
2. 23-0302 Staff Reports
i. Local Debt Recovery Program
Program working with Alyssa to get bills that are unpaid debt. This will give the city another way to collect delinquent fines, unpaid utility bills, unpaid ambulance fees, etc.. Once approved we will be able to get funds from any state check they would receive.
ii. Safe Streets and Roads for All (SS4A) Grant
Partnered with several communities in applying for a traffic safety grant. The grant was successful so the program to reduce traffic fatalities in our area will move forward.
iii. Thank You from Harold Lange Family
iv. Special Meeting on March 16, 2023, at 6 p.m.
Public hearing for funding of Lead Line and Oxford St. To explain any questions the public would have on the funding.
April 17th Public Hearing for Family Beer
Third dispensary very much interested they received 28 licenses in Illinois. Still looking at Hwy 20 area.
Campaign signs are out and should not be in the right of way. Should be on private property. Asking everyone to follow those guidelines.
b. Mayor Report
c. Alderman Report
i. Belken
ii. Burgmeier
Clean up the lot next to The Otherside.
iii. Fluhr
Approached to buy and refurbish the Old Police Station. Wondering if the building is available. That is the future site of the water treatment building. Not sure that land is available want to keep the water treatment building as close to the well.
Vacant buildings can we do something to motivate the owners to get businesses in them. Will work with Terry to see what can be done.
iv. Hoffmann
v. Walsh
d. City Attorney, Terry Kurt
Liens are filed from what was discussed from last meeting.
April 17 public hearing for Family Beer annexation.
e. Police Chief, Luke Kovacic
f. Public Works Director, Mark Fluhr
i. Spring Flooding Outlook
Working on a few of the pumps. Stationary ones are working well. Need to go through Emergency Management System (not the Corps anymore) for request of new pumps. Would like to get 2 to 3 big diesel pumps. These will move a lot of water fast.
ii. Spring Task Force Meeting
Need to have a meeting. The flood lookout is depending on how the north thaws. If it is a thaw during the day and freeze at night will help us but if it just rains, we will be flooding. Would like to have it in the next week or two.
g. Fire Chief, Joe Heim
i. Presentation of Certificate of Completion for Fire Academy
This is a program that they do with new people who join from August through December which is an online classroom and one weekend a month. Fireman receiving certificate are River Alvarado, Sam Lange, Brenton Baldwin and Shirlee Scott.
3. 23-0303 Speakers from the Floor
Ali Gansemer (River Bluff Collective) and Courtney Allen for 231
Propose new business they feel will benefit the East Dubuque Community.
Courtney Allen will be managing 231 that is looking to open in June of this year.
Family friendly space establishment looking to offer coffee, snacks, light meals and selection of alcoholic beverages to residents and visitors.
Two things they want to be clear on. Since the business is under River Bluff Collective Group their business model is based on creating community over competition. Bringing customers back to East Dubuque.
Advocates to reducing the stigma of Cannabis. Will not be selling cannabis products.
Will create up to 5 to 10 jobs.
Would like council to expedite licenses so that they can open in June of 2023.
Want to make a positive contribution to the community.
4. 23-0304 Consent Agenda (City Council Minutes 02/21/23, Public Safety Report(s), Warrants, Zoning Minutes and Correspondence)
Motion by Alderman Walsh to Approve Consent Agenda (City Council Minutes 02/21/23,
Public Safety Report(s), Warrants, Zoning Minutes and Correspondence) second by Alderman Burgmeier ROLL CALL: Ayes – Alderman Belken, Alderman Burgmeier, Alderman Fluhr, Alderman Hoffmann, Alderman Walsh and Mayor Degenhardt Motion carried
5. 23-0305 Discussion and Possible Action to Approve An Amendment to Ordinance Prohibiting the Use of Groundwater as a Potable Water Supply by the Installation or Use of Potable Water Supply Wells or by any Other Method in the City of East Dubuque, Jo Daviess County, Illinois / Mayor Degenhardt, City Manager Herrig
Passed several years ago and says that city cannot provide water to our citizens. Need to clean up the ordinance to make us legal. IEPA suggests that we change from includes to excludes.
Motion by Alderman Burgmeier to Approve An Amendment to Ordinance Prohibiting the Use of Groundwater as a Potable Water Supply by the Installation or Use of Potable Water Supply Wells or by any Other Method second by Alderman Walsh ROLL CALL: Ayes – Alderman Belken, Alderman Burgmeier, Alderman Fluhr, Alderman Hoffmann, Alderman Walsh and Mayor Degenhardt Motion carried
6. 23-0306 Discussion and Possible Action to Approve A Resolution for the Foreign Fire Insurance Board in the City of East Dubuque, Jo Daviess County, Illinois / Mayor Degenhardt, City Manager Herrig
Years city have received a share of the Foreign Fire Insurance fund. This is just so Illinois Municipal League can manage the fund and need each city to renew resolution.
Motion by Alderman Hoffmann to Approve A Resolution for the Foreign Fire Insurance Board second by Alderman Belken ROLL CALL: Ayes – Alderman Belken, Alderman Burgmeier, Alderman Fluhr, Alderman Hoffmann, Alderman Walsh and Mayor Degenhardt Motion carried
7. 23-0307 Discussion and Possible Action to Approve CFPS Loan Administration Contract in the City of East Dubuque, Jo Daviess County, Illinois / Mayor Degenhardt, City Manager Herrig
Does excellent work for us. Provide an agreement to administer the funds for the Lead Service Line Replacement. Projected fee of $25,000 to be paid with IEPA loan funds. Timeframe is March ’23 through March ’25.
Motion by Alderman Walsh to Approve CFPS Loan Administration Contract second by Alderman Burgmeier ROLL CALL: Ayes – Alderman Belken, Alderman Burgmeier, Alderman Fluhr, Alderman Hoffmann, Alderman Walsh and Mayor Degenhardt Motion carried
8. 23-0308 Discussion and Possible Action to Approve Preliminary Engineering Services Agreement Quiet Zone Project in the City of East Dubuque, Jo Daviess County, Illinois / Mayor Degenhardt, City Manager Herrig
Working with ECIA, Burlington Northern and Santa Fe Railroad. Looking into safety on the Railroad crossing and quiet zones. Moving along very well. Will need to work with them as the crossings are studied. An estimated fee of $20,725 to study the crossings. They assure this is the maximum cost and will try to keep as low as possible. This is a necessary step to keep moving this forward.
Motion by Alderman Belken to Approve Preliminary Engineering Services Agreement Quiet Zone Project second by Alderman Walsh ROLL CALL: Ayes – Alderman Belken, Alderman Burgmeier, Alderman Fluhr, Alderman Hoffmann, Alderman Walsh and Mayor Degenhardt Motion carried
9. 23-0309 Discussion and Possible Action to Approve Liquor License for 231 Pending Completed Application in the City of East Dubuque, Jo Daviess County, Illinois / Mayor Degenhardt, City Manager Herrig
They are located right next to City Hall here. Have included their business plan in packet. Recommend passing.
Motion by Alderman Walsh to Approve Liquor License for 231 Pending Completed Application second by Alderman Burgmeier ROLL CALL: Ayes – Alderman Belken, Alderman Burgmeier, Alderman Fluhr, Alderman Hoffmann, Alderman Walsh and Mayor Degenhardt Motion carried
10. 23-0310 Discussion and Possible Action to Approve Video Gaming License for 231 Pending Completed Application in the City of East Dubuque, Jo Daviess County, Illinois / Mayor Degenhardt, City Manager Herrig
Read City Code 3-17-3 E. This was to eliminate gaming parlors coming to our town. This ordinance was not designed for these folks. As you can see, they are making a sizable investment in our downtown area. Recommend that council waives that requirement because of the investment they are making.
Alderman Belken – Loeffelholz’s have been in this community for years. They work and
live here.
Alderman Walsh – Do you own the building or leasing?
Ali – In the process of purchasing and then it will be theirs.
Motion by Alderman Belken to Approve Video Gaming License for 231 Pending Completed Application second by Mayor Degenhardt ROLL CALL: Ayes – Alderman Belken, Alderman Burgmeier, Alderman Fluhr, Alderman Hoffmann, Alderman Walsh and Mayor Degenhardt Motion carried
11. 23-0311 Executive Session: 5ILCS 120/2(c)(1) Personnel Matters / Mayor Degenhardt, City Manager Herrig
Motion by Alderman Walsh to Go into Executive Session second by Alderman Belken ROLL CALL: Ayes – Alderman Belken, Alderman Burgmeier, Alderman Fluhr, Alderman Hoffmann, Alderman Walsh and Mayor Degenhardt Motion carried
Motion by Alderman Belken to Leave Executive Session second by Alderman Burgmeier ROLL CALL: Ayes – Alderman Belken, Alderman Burgmeier, Alderman Fluhr, Alderman Hoffmann, Alderman Walsh and Mayor Degenhardt Motion carried
12. 23-0312 Discussion and Possible Action on Matters Discussed in Executive Session in the City of East Dubuque, Jo Daviess County, Illinois / Mayor Degenhardt, City Manager Herrig
Let everyone know that he will not be retiring.
No motion needed.
13. 23-0313 Adjourn
End Time: 6:50 p.m.
Motion by Alderman Walsh to Adjourn second by Alderman Burgmeier ROLL CALL:
Ayes – Alderman Belken, Alderman Burgmeier, Alderman Fluhr, Alderman Hoffmann, Alderman Walsh and Mayor Degenhardt Motion carried
Pam McCarthy
City Clerk, East Dubuque