March 18 Minutes - SPECIAL MEETING
261 Sinsinawa Avenue
East Dubuque, IL 61025
March 18, 2021
6:32 p.m.
Please Stand for the Pledge of Allegiance
1. 21-0312 Call to Order – Mayor VanOstrand
Start Time: 6:00 p.m.
Alderman Arling, Alderman Belken, Alderman Degenhardt, Alderperson Pearson,
Alderperson Stelpflug, Alderman Werner and Attorney Kurt
2. 21-0313 Review of Agenda
3. 21-0314 Speakers from the Floor
Swear in Caleb Stines, Full Time Police Officer
4. 21-0315 Discussion and Possible Action to Amend Ordinance Regulating Adult-Use Cannabis in the City of East Dubuque, Jo Daviess County, Illinois / Mayor VanOstrand, City Manager Herrig
Deleting 250 feet and adding 15,000 feet.
Motion by Alderman Arling to Amend Ordinance Regulating Adult-Use Cannabis second by Alderperson Stelpflug ROLL CALL: Ayes – Alderman Arling, Alderman Belken, Alderman Degenhardt, Alderperson Pearson, Alderperson Stelpflug and Alderman Werner Motion carried
5 21-0316 Discussion and Possible Action to Approve a Special Use Permit for The Dispensary, LLC to Operate an Adult-Use Cannabis Dispensary at 1705 Suite 2 Hwy 35 North in the City of East Dubuque, Jo Daviess County, Illinois / Mayor VanOstrand, City Manager Herrig
Approved by Zoning.
Motion by Alderman Degenhardt to Approve a Special Use Permit for The Dispensary, LLC to Operate an Adult-Use Cannabis Dispensary at 1705 Suite 2 Hwy 35 North second by Alderperson Pearson ROLL CALL: Ayes – Alderman Arling, Alderman Belken, Alderman Degenhardt, Alderperson Pearson, Alderperson Stelpflug and Alderman Werner Motion carried
6. 21-0317 Discussion and Possible Action to Approve Ordinance Regulating Political Signs in the City of East Dubuque, Jo Daviess County, Illinois / Mayor VanOstrand, City Manager Herrig
Concerns of people removing signs without permission. Approval from owner to be able to place political or advertising signs on private property. Not on public right of ways.
Officers will have to see or have a witness to signs being removed without permission. If passed, signs pulled from private property, officers then can write a ticket.
Alderperson Stelpflug – like to table this. Asked about placing by the welcome center. State property so they can say if signs can be placed there. Need to check with them before placing there.
Alderman Arling – public right away is the grass area between street and sidewalk.
Alderperson Pearson – asking if signs for non-profits or churches would be ok by welcome center. State has the choice if they are ok.
Motion by Alderperson Stelpflug to Table Ordinance Regulating Political Signs second by Alderperson Pearson ROLL CALL: Ayes – Alderman Belken, Alderman Degenhardt, Alderman Werner and Mayor VanOstrand Nays – Alderman Arling, Alderperson Pearson and Alderperson Stelpflug Motion carried
Motion by Alderman Belken to Approve Ordinance Regulating Political Signs second by Alderman Degenhardt ROLL CALL: Ayes – Alderman Arling, Alderman Belken, Alderman Degenhardt and Alderman Werner Nays – Alderperson Pearson and Alderperson Stelpflug Motion carried
7. 21-0318 Adjourn
End Time: 6:52 p.m.
Motion by Alderman Belken to Adjourn second by Alderman Werner ROLL CALL:
Ayes – Alderman Arling, Alderman Belken, Alderman Degenhardt, Alderperson Pearson, Alderperson Stelpflug and Alderman Werner Motion carried
Pam McCarthy
City Clerk, East Dubuque