July 5, 2022 Minutes

July 26, 2022


261 Sinsinawa Avenue

East Dubuque, IL  61025


July 5, 2022

6:00 p.m.

Please Stand for the Pledge of Allegiance

   1.  22-0701    Call to Order – Mayor

Start Time: 6:00 p.m.

Alderman Belken, Alderman Burgmeier, Alderman Fluhr, Alderman Hoffman, Alderman Walsh and Attorney Kurt


   2.  22-0702    Staff Reports

                        a.  City Manager Report

                               i.   Grant Activity

Grants the city has received in the last 3½ years:

2.5 million in loan forgiveness for the wastewater project

2.2 million for the sewer extension to Indian Hills

400,000 for the water tower project

127,000 for the Beecher Street project

This totals over 5.2 million in free money being used to improve infrastructures.

                              ii.   Police Station Relocation

Nothing new looking for options.

                             iii.   Tax Abatement for Annexation

Explanation for new members. Continue working on annexations being voluntary or involuntary. Voluntary annexations will have a three-year tax abatement. Note there will be nothing for involuntary annexation.

                             iv.   Community Park Project

Gave initial estimates for park project near the library. A $200,000 cost is a rough estimate.

100,000 Galena Country Tourism

50,000 propose using the 25,000 cannabis license fees

20,000 approximately from the veteran’s group

30,000 initial investment for the City

                              v.   Report on Boil Order

Adding a pressure-reducing valve for new water tower. Went out weeks earlier to make sure shutdown was isolated. Day of had to shut down 3 valves around St Mary’s. Malfunction was at a point that they could not stop. Had to shut down 2 additional valves that took down the city. So low water pressure had to do a boil order. Was not planned this way.

                        b.  Mayor Report

A lot of work going on around town. Getting a lot of things done.

                        c.  Alderman Report

                               i.   Belken

Pointed out that when doing the wastewater plant was not going to do it halfway. Not so happy with the flat roofs on the Police and Fire Stations. Would like to eliminate flat roofs.

Will pass concern to Mike Ruden.

                              ii.   Burgmeier

Wondering what happens with cost of resource officer if donor leaves? This is guarantied for 5 years and will then relook at this then.

                             iii.   Fluhr

Dust in flats is back up. Cost was $3,000 for dust control. Will wash off when it rains. Will look for a solution.

                             iv.   Hoffmann

Heard from Gas Station on the water being turned off on a Friday and then boil order over the weekend.

Should check into Fog Seal Coat for dust in the flats.

                              v.   Walsh

                        d.  City Attorney, Terry Kurt

Suppose to meet with owner of properties in the flats.

                        e.  Police Chief, Luke Kovacic

                        f.  Public Works Director, Mark Fluhr

                               i.   Street Project Update

Beecher street curbs and sidewalks are poured. Will be installing culvert.

Will be getting started on Desoto.

St Mary’s poured curb and ready for asphalt.

Still gathering pricing for other streets.

                        g.  Fire Chief, Joe Heim

Three new members and promoting two members. Red has been signed by all incoming firefighters since 1904. New firefighters are pinned a year from starting the Fire Department.

Medical Officer – Keith Riggs

Emergency Medical Services Captain – James Mihalakis

Firefighter – Noah Mozena

Firefighter/EMT – Elizabeth Heim

Firefighter/EMTP – Craig A Haigh

   3.  22-0703    Speakers from the Floor

Brenda McDowell – Midtown – Appreciate what the city guys are doing. Was upset with communication about the boil order. Wants to know if there is a better way that information can get out to the public faster then what happened that day. What about using the bar and liquor group email?

Have additional people being trained for the code red system.

Working on newsletter to let people know what is going on around town. This will also give updates on coming up projects. Working to do better with communication with the business owners.

Projects will be started at the beginning of the week instead of the end of week.

Alderman Hoffmann – Asked about the water testing. Drive the sample over to lab in Stockton. Has to be tested 24 hours from the first draw.

Alderman Walsh – Asked if it would be good for city to have own lab? Not cost effective and a lot to have a lab here.

Tom Olinger – Asked why not informed about water shut down the week after was informed of hydrant flushing.

Was not able to complete flushing original week so finished the next week.

   4.  22-0704    Consent Agenda (City Council Minutes 06/20/22, Public Safety Report(s), Warrants, Zoning, and Correspondence)

Motion by Alderman Walsh to Consent Agenda (City Council Minutes 06/20/22, Public Safety Report(s), Warrants, Zoning, and Correspondence) second by Alderman Burgmeier    ROLL CALL: Ayes – Alderman Belken, Alderman Burgmeier, Alderman Fluhr, Alderman Hoffmann, Alderman Walsh and Mayor Degenhardt    Motion carried



   5.  22-0705    Discussion and Possible Action on Oxford Street Reconstruction Project in the City of East Dubuque, Jo Daviess County, Illinois / Mayor Degenhardt, City Manager Herrig

High for budget of Oxford Street. Illinois EPA Loan earliest would be next year to start. It is just an expensive street. This is the next targeted street to work on.

Motion by Alderman Belken to Continue Working with Engineering second by Alderman Walsh    ROLL CALL: Ayes – Alderman Belken, Alderman Burgmeier, Alderman Fluhr, Alderman Hoffmann, Alderman Walsh and Mayor Degenhardt    Motion carried


   6.  22-0706    Discussion and Possible Action on August Meeting Schedule in the City of East Dubuque, Jo Daviess County, Illinois / Mayor Degenhardt, City Manager Herrig

City Manager Herrig would not be able to make the first meeting in August so since there are
5 Mondays suggests going to second and fourth Monday for August.

Mayor Degenhardt – would like to have City Manager at the meetings.

Motion by Mayor Degenhardt to Change to Second and Fourth Monday for August second by Alderman Walsh    ROLL CALL: Ayes – Alderman Belken, Alderman Burgmeier, Alderman Fluhr, Alderman Hoffmann, Alderman Walsh and Mayor Degenhardt    Motion carried


   7.  22-0707    Discussion and Possible Action on the Streaming of City Council Meetings in the City of East Dubuque, Jo Daviess County, Illinois / Mayor Degenhardt, City Manager Herrig

Mayor Degenhardt and Alderman Walsh would like to see it put on website or that people would come to the meetings.

Alderman Fluhr – Would like to keep live stream.

Motion by Mayor Degenhardt to Put on Website second by Alderman Belken    ROLL CALL: Ayes – Alderman Belken, Alderman Burgmeier, Alderman Hoffmann, Alderman Walsh and Mayor Degenhardt    Motion carried     Nays – Alderman Fluhr






   8.  22-0708    Discussion and Possible Action on MS4 Stormwater Management Program Plan in the City of East Dubuque, Jo Daviess County, Illinois / Mayor Degenhardt, City Manager Herrig

Required to do this and has been sent into the state.

Motion by Alderman Burgmeier on MS4 Stormwater Management Program Plan second by Alderman Walsh    ROLL CALL: Ayes – Alderman Belken, Alderman Burgmeier, Alderman Fluhr, Alderman Hoffmann, Alderman Walsh and Mayor Degenhardt    Motion carried


   9.  22-0709    Adjourn

End Time: 7:04 p.m.

Motion by Alderman Walsh to Adjourn second by Alderman Burgmeier    ROLL CALL: Ayes – Alderman Belken, Alderman Burgmeier, Alderman Fluhr, Alderman Hoffmann, Alderman Walsh and Mayor Degenhardt    Motion carried

Pam McCarthy

City Clerk, East Dubuque

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