January 17, 2023 Minutes
261 Sinsinawa Avenue
East Dubuque, IL 61025
January 17, 2023
6:00 p.m.
Please Stand for the Pledge of Allegiance
1. 23-0111 Call to Order – Mayor
Start Time: 6:00 p.m.
Alderman Belken, Alderman Burgmeier, Alderman Fluhr, Alderman Hoffman, Alderman Walsh and Attorney Kurt
2. 23-0112 Staff Reports
City Clerk read City Manager Report that was included in packet.
i. BNSF Correspondence
Received a very nice reply from BNSF president and one of the employees. Letter is in your packet.
ii. Fire Department Banquet
Fire Department has invited council to their annual banquet.
iii. Wage and Earnings Report
Included a copy that he found very interesting.
iv. Ambulance Rate History
Greg Schuster shared some information for review. The call volume has dramatically increased from the first year in 2014.
v. Status of Second Dispensary Project
Reached out to Dave Sendt about project and has included his response. Great to know the project is still moving forward.
vi. FOIA Updates
Information included in packet.
vii. Quiet Zone Update
Continue to work with ECIA and their consultants on a possible quiet zone. Updated information has been included.
b. Mayor Report
Watched putting the top of the water tower on this morning.
c. Alderman Report
i. Belken
ii. Burgmeier
Property on Sherwood 525 think. Debris on property that needs to be cleaned up.
iii. Fluhr
iv. Hoffmann
v. Walsh
d. City Attorney, Terry Kurt
e. Police Chief, Luke Kovacic
f. Public Works Director, Mark Fluhr
i. Beecher Street Signage
Few calls on Beecher Street. Resident asking for handicap parking. This is not a permanent spot for them. Signage got calls and emails of people going the wrong way. Can’t expect Police to patrol this street only. If there is an accident, they are at fault. Street lighting is also done.
ii. Mark Quade Buildings
Barricade asking about how long they will be there? When will the owner start to get something done with building.
iii. Business District Buildings
g. Fire Chief, Joe Heim
3. 23-0113 Speakers from the Floor
4. 23-0114 Consent Agenda (City Council Minutes 01/03/23, Public Safety Report(s), Warrants, Zoning Minutes and Correspondence)
Motion by Alderman Walsh to Consent Agenda (City Council Minutes 01/03/23, Public Safety Report(s), Warrants, Zoning Minutes and Correspondence) second by Alderman Burgmeier ROLL CALL: Ayes – Alderman Belken, Alderman Burgmeier, Alderman Fluhr, Alderman Hoffmann, Alderman Walsh and Mayor Degenhardt Motion carried
5. 23-0115 Presentation and Discussion of Current City Projects by Marc Ruden of Origin Design in the City of East Dubuque, Jo Daviess County, Illinois / Mayor Degenhardt, City Manager Herrig
Marc Ruden – Updated council on projects.
Louie’s Trenching finished the Desoto Street water main replacement.
Caldwell Tanks, Inc put the ball of the water tower on today and plan on completing the water tower in July of 2023.
Indian Hills area looking to a grant for Sewer Extension of a gravity sewer extension which is a 2.2 million grant.
Conceptual design for the remembrance park has been submitted and will be looking for feedback about the layout. Will make revisions if need be and then prepare an estimate of probable construction cost.
Design underway for a frontage road along Hwy 20 adjacent to J & R Rental. Then this will be submitted to the Illinois DOT for permitting.
Gramercy Park grant application was not rewarded. Looking to see what else can do to have a better chance of next application submission.
Water System Improvements Project Plan was completed from Origin submitted to CFPS who then submitted to IEPA for review.
Oxford Street Water Main and Roadway Reconstruction design is being worked on.
East Dubuque MS4 Stormwater Management Plan has been submitted to the IEPA. Working with the City to make sure proper information is on the City’s website and finishing inspection reports for City staff to utilize with the management plan.
IDNR Stormwater Improvements Project (Wisconsin Ave Drainage) is performing a drainage basin analysis for the city. Will present their findings in the next few months. Origin Design will continue to coordinate with the State as they request data.
Southeast Industrial Park Utility Extension consists of extending water and sewer utilities to T&T Metals Inc. and Tracy Exports. Previously applied for a Rebuild Illinois Grant to fund utility extension. There is no update yet.
Fire Station project is complete and ready for bidding. Looking to go out for bidding in the next few months.
Police Station is on hold as of now.
Voluntary Annexation of Althaus property (Family Beer and Liquor) working with City and Legal Counsel to prepare necessary documentation.
Alderman Belken asked if this will also include the 4 houses, but it will not.
19th Hole Area Utility Service working with City to serve the area around the 19th Hole with water and sanitary sewer based on a citizen inquiry.
Miscellaneous Projects being worked on with the city for potential residential development opportunities. This is an ongoing project.
City of East Dubuque Standard Specifications is developing standard specifications for streets and utilities. Working with the city staff on developing these specifications to utilize on city projects and for developers to utilize.
Alderman Hoffmann – Asked about photos taken of Water Tower to put in city archive. Has been done.
No Action Needed
6. 23-0116 Discussion and Possible Action to Approve Amendment No. 2 to the Agreement for Engineering Services Wastewater Collection System Improvements in the City of East Dubuque, Jo Daviess County, Illinois / Mayor Degenhardt, City Manager Herrig
Motion by Alderman Burgmeier to Approve Amendment No. 2 to the Agreement for Engineering Services Wastewater Collection System Improvements second by Alderman Walsh ROLL CALL: Ayes – Alderman Belken, Alderman Burgmeier, Alderman Fluhr, Alderman Hoffmann, Alderman Walsh and Mayor Degenhardt Motion carried
7. 23-0117 Discussion and Possible Action to Approve the FYE 2022 Annual Financial Report for the City of East Dubuque, Jo Daviess County, Illinois / Mayor Degenhardt, City Manager Herrig
Tabled till next meeting.
Motion by Alderman Hoffmann to Approve Motion to Table second by Alderman Belken ROLL CALL: Ayes – Alderman Belken, Alderman Burgmeier, Alderman Fluhr, Alderman Hoffmann, Alderman Walsh and Mayor Degenhardt Motion carried
8. 23-0118 Adjourn
End Time: 6:20 p.m.
Motion by Alderman Belken to Adjourn second by Alderman Walsh ROLL CALL:
Ayes – Alderman Belken, Alderman Burgmeier, Alderman Fluhr, Alderman Hoffmann, Alderman Walsh and Mayor Degenhardt Motion carried
Pam McCarthy
City Clerk, East Dubuque