February 6, 2023 Minutes

February 22, 2023


261 Sinsinawa Avenue

East Dubuque, IL  61025


February 6, 2023

6:00 p.m.

Please Stand for the Pledge of Allegiance

   1.  23-0201    Call to Order – Mayor

Start Time: 6:00 p.m.

Alderman Belken, Alderman Burgmeier, Alderman Fluhr, Alderman Hoffman, Alderman Walsh and Attorney Kurt


   2.  23-0202    Staff Reports

                        a.  City Manager Report

                               i.   Thank Pack 14 Cub Scouts for joining our last meeting

Want to acknowledge the Cub Scouts for attending and salute them for their community involvement.

                              ii.   Articles in the Galena Gazette and Telegraph Herald

Positive press about Water Tower in both papers and then Letter to Editor.

                             iii.   Galena Canning Company looking to lease production space

If anyone knows of a place to let them know.

                             iv.   Jo Daviess County Housing Study

Detailed and showing that there is a need for good affordable housing in our area.

                              v.   FOIA Updates

Received information Attorney General concerning a letter from 2018. A FOIA request was appealed, and the city’s position was upheld. Also sent information to Jean Robey about comment at last meeting about having to FOIA city health insurance specifically Alyssa Darnall still having it. Sent information on November 15th, 2022 indicating that she was not on the insurance since November 6th also included statement from our health insurance. Made mention that it is frustrating that people need to muddy the names of employees publicly when they have correct information in their hands.

Anyone calling from a landline phone that has Frontier has problems getting a hold of City Hall. Desiree was able to get that fixed. Please check and if you have any problems let City Hall know.

                        b.  Mayor Report

Talked with Jeff Spahn with Tri-State Paving about top of Montgomery which they will ground down and repave. Weather changed so was not able to finish.

                        c.  Alderman Report

                               i.   Belken

                              ii.   Burgmeier

526 Sherwood do we send them a letter or do the Officers just ticket them? Chief Kovacic said they get a citation every month.

                             iii.   Fluhr

                             iv.   Hoffmann

                              v.   Walsh

                        d.  City Attorney, Terry Kurt

Have three new FOIA requests with 1 taken care of already.

                        e.  Police Chief, Luke Kovacic

                        f.  Public Works Director, Mark Fluhr

                               i.   Memorial Benches

A family that would like to do a memorial bench at the boat dock. Not a good idea because it would be vandalized within the month. Another family has also approached him to do a memorial bench. Not sure if city wanted to do them along Sinsinawa or a good place will be the memorial park when it is finished.

                        g.  Fire Chief, Joe Heim

   3.  23-0203    Speakers from the Floor

Jean Robey – She has never muddied anyone’s name. Never been done by her. Just because she asks for public information she is not muddying anyone’s name.

   4.  23-0204    Consent Agenda (City Council Minutes 01/17/23, Public Safety Report(s), Warrants, Zoning Minutes and Correspondence)

Motion by Alderman Burgmeier to Approve Consent Agenda (City Council Minutes 01/17/23, Public Safety Report(s), Warrants, Zoning Minutes and Correspondence) second by Alderman Walsh    ROLL CALL: Ayes – Alderman Belken, Alderman Burgmeier, Alderman Fluhr, Alderman Hoffmann, Alderman Walsh and Mayor Degenhardt    Motion carried



   5.  23-0117    Discussion and Possible Action to Approve the FYE 2022 Annual Financial Report for the City of East Dubuque, Jo Daviess County, Illinois / Mayor Degenhardt, City Manager Herrig

Cash increased 37% or app. $232,300.

Cash position on our businesses decreased app. $58,200. Continue to spend a lot of money on repairs and improvements. Will discuss this more when working on new budget. Anticipate rate increases for all our businesses to replenish the needed funds to both operate and fix our businesses.

Cost of all governmental activities decreased from $5.7 million last year to $2.8 million this year. Result of finishing a large project and the new projects not beginning until the next fiscal year. Anticipate an increased number for the current year.

Many of our revenues have increased during the last two years. Unfortunately, we continue to spend at an accelerated rate to fix infrastructure. The result of years of neglect that we are now paying the price for.

Alderman Hoffmann – Increase in business in water and sewers but decrease of customers. People are watching what they use.

Alderman Walsh – Did we take care of authorize check signer. Yes, it has been taken care of.

Motion by Alderman Walsh to Approve FYE 2022 Annual Financial Report second by Alderman Fluhr    ROLL CALL: Ayes – Alderman Belken, Alderman Burgmeier, Alderman Fluhr, Alderman Hoffmann, Alderman Walsh and Mayor Degenhardt    Motion carried



   6.  23-0205    Discussion and Possible Action to Approve Jo Daviess County Water Resource Management Plan in the City of East Dubuque, Jo Daviess County, Illinois / Mayor Degenhardt, City Manager Herrig, Beth Baranski

In 2016 she had come and presented study. Twenty-six people have meet to update the plan. They have updated all the links and added new ones. Updated research on local wells and shallow aquafers. Doing quite well with shallow aquafers. Be aware and improve.

Having to work with state inspectors.

Alderman Hoffmann – This would have to be a new utility.

City Manager Herrig – Support their efforts.

Beth Baranski – Just saying it is out there.

City Manager Herrig – Is it every six years?

Beth Baranski – Plan to update and review each year. This is 100% volunteer. They are presenting to other cities for awareness.

Mark Fluhr and City Manager Herrig – Same presented from the state and need to comply. MS4 required compliance.

Motion by Alderman Hoffmann to Acknowledge Receipt of Jo Daviess County Water Resource Management Plan second by Alderman Burgmeier    ROLL CALL: Ayes – Alderman Belken, Alderman Burgmeier, Alderman Fluhr, Alderman Hoffmann, Alderman Walsh and Mayor Degenhardt    Motion carried


   7.  23-0206    Discussion and Possible Action to Approve A Resolution of the City of East Dubuque in Support of Tax Increment Financing in the City of East Dubuque, Jo Daviess County, Illinois / Mayor Degenhardt, City Manager Herrig

Tax is a tool for small cities. Make available to businesses. Good support to have.

Motion by Alderman Walsh to Approve A Resolution of the City of East Dubuque in Support of Tax Increment Financing second by Alderman Hoffmann    ROLL CALL: Ayes – Alderman Belken, Alderman Burgmeier, Alderman Fluhr, Alderman Hoffmann, Alderman Walsh and Mayor Degenhardt    Motion carried


   8.  23-0207    Discussion and Possible Action to Approve Wastewater Operator Contract and Agreement for Professional Services (Fehr Graham) in the City of East Dubuque, Jo Daviess County, Illinois / Mayor Degenhardt, City Manager Herrig

Service needed till Tony and Michael are certified. Will not need it when they are certified.

Mark Fluhr – Need to make Tom Glendenning more prompt to show. Suppose to be three 8 hrs. for the month. Need to buckle down to do this. More hands-on training for Tony and Michael. More effort for training that we need to hold him to.

Need to have so many hours.

This is paid monthly.

Excellent and very knowledgeable.

Motion by Alderman Belken to Approve Motion to Approve Wastewater Operator Contract and Agreement for Professional Services (Fehr Graham) second by Alderman Hoffmann    ROLL CALL: Ayes – Alderman Belken, Alderman Burgmeier, Alderman Fluhr, Alderman Hoffmann, Alderman Walsh and Mayor Degenhardt    Motion carried


   9.  23-0208    Discussion and Possible Action to Amend Liquor License for Nancy Slots Pending Completed Application in the City of East Dubuque, Jo Daviess County, Illinois / Mayor Degenhardt, City Manager Herrig

Corporation being purchased doing this so they don’t have to start over for the video gaming. Just need the background check yet.

Motion by Alderman Burgmeier to Approve Amended Liquor License for Nancy Slots Pending Completed Application second by Alderman Belken    ROLL CALL: Ayes – Alderman Belken, Alderman Burgmeier, Alderman Fluhr, Alderman Hoffmann, Alderman Walsh and Mayor Degenhardt    Motion carried


10.  23-0209    Discussion and Possible Action to Approve Loan Request #11 for IEPA Loan 17-4205 in the Amount of $112,986.00 Including, Origin Design Invoice #78408, Caldwell Tanks Pay Application #6 and Louie’s Trenching Pay Application #9 in the City of East Dubuque, Jo Daviess County, Illinois / Mayor Degenhardt, City Manager Herrig

Keep moving along.

Motion by Alderman Walsh to Approve Loan Request #11 for IEPA Loan 17-4205 in the Amount of $112,986.00 Including, Origin Design Invoice #78408, Caldwell Tanks Pay Application #6 and Louie’s Trenching Pay Application #9 second by Alderman Belken    ROLL CALL: Ayes – Alderman Belken, Alderman Burgmeier, Alderman Fluhr, Alderman Hoffmann, Alderman Walsh and Mayor Degenhardt    Motion carried


11.  23-0210    Discussion and Possible Action to Approve Special Event Permit Application from EDGE Group for Cruisin’ Thursdays Nights Car Show from May 4, 2023, through September 28, 2023, Starting at 4:00 pm until 10:00 pm with Street Closure from 7 Sinsinawa Avenue to 198 Sinsinawa Avenue in the City of East Dubuque, Jo Daviess County, Illinois / Mayor Degenhardt, City Manager Herrig

Motion by Alderman Belken to Approve Special Event Permit Application from EDGE Group for Cruisin’ Thursdays Nights Car Show from May 4, 2023, through September 28, 2023, Starting at 4:00 pm until 10:00 pm with Street Closure from 7 Sinsinawa Avenue to 198 Sinsinawa Avenue second by Alderman Burgmeier    ROLL CALL: Ayes – Alderman Belken, Alderman Burgmeier, Alderman Fluhr, Alderman Hoffmann, Alderman Walsh and Mayor Degenhardt    Motion carried


12.  23-0211    Discussion and Possible Action to Approve A Resolution Authorizing a Representative to Sign Oxford Water Project #17-6365 Documents in the City of East Dubuque, Jo Daviess County, Illinois / Mayor Degenhardt, City Manager Herrig

Motion by Alderman Walsh to Approve A Resolution Authorizing a Representative to Sign Oxford Water Project #17-6365 Documents second by Alderman Hoffmann    ROLL CALL: Ayes – Alderman Belken, Alderman Burgmeier, Alderman Fluhr, Alderman Hoffmann, Alderman Walsh and Mayor Degenhardt    Motion carried


13.  23-0212    Discussion and Possible Action to Approve A Resolution Authorizing a Representative to Sign Lead Service Line Replacement Loan #17-6364 Documents in the City of East Dubuque, Jo Daviess County, Illinois / Mayor Degenhardt, City Manager Herrig

Motion by Alderman Walsh to Approve A Resolution Authorizing a Representative to Sign Lead Service Line Replacement Loan #17-6364 Documents second by Alderman Burgmeier    ROLL CALL: Ayes – Alderman Belken, Alderman Burgmeier, Alderman Fluhr, Alderman Hoffmann, Alderman Walsh and Mayor Degenhardt    Motion carried


14.  23-0213    Executive Session: 5ILCS 120/2(c)(1) Personnel Matters and 5 ILCS120/2(c)(11) Litigation / Mayor Degenhardt, City Manager Herrig

Motion by Alderman Belken to Go into Executive Session second by Alderman Walsh    ROLL CALL: Ayes – Alderman Belken, Alderman Burgmeier, Alderman Fluhr, Alderman Hoffmann, Alderman Walsh and Mayor Degenhardt    Motion carried

Motion by Alderman Belken to Leave Executive Session second by Alderman Walsh    ROLL CALL: Ayes – Alderman Belken, Alderman Burgmeier, Alderman Fluhr, Alderman Hoffmann, Alderman Walsh and Mayor Degenhardt    Motion carried

15.  23-0214    Adjourn

End Time: 7:29 p.m.

Motion by Alderman Belken to Adjourn second by Alderman Walsh    ROLL CALL:
Ayes – Alderman Belken, Alderman Burgmeier, Alderman Fluhr, Alderman Hoffmann, Alderman Walsh and Mayor Degenhardt    Motion carried

Pam McCarthy

City Clerk, East Dubuque

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