April 3, 2024 Zoning Board Minutes
261 Sinsinawa Avenue
East Dubuque, IL 61025
April 3, 2024
6:00 p.m.
Please Stand for the Pledge of Allegiance
I. Call to Order
A. Roll Call / City Clerk Pam McCarthy
Brad Burgmeier, Jesse Hosch, Dave Lechnir, Robin Pearson, Deb Redmon and Justin Taylor
Absent – Paul Largent
B. Establishment of Quorum / Chairperson Dave Lechnir
Quorum established
II. Procedures
A. Reading of the Legal Notice / Chairperson Dave Lechnir
B. Explanation of Hearing Procedures and Order of Business / Chairperson Dave Lechnir
C. Presentation from Variance Applicant – NuMed Partners, LLC
Pat from NuMed came and presented. First and foremost, we are excited about this area. They have been in business in Illinois for ten years which is family owned. They have stores in Peoria, Champaign and the Chicago area.
III. Questions & Comments
A. Members of the Zoning Board
Will it be in the center of the lot? That is correct. With parking to the rear and east side of the building? Yes. The people behind will have access to their apartments at the rear of Family Beer. So that they will be able to combine the Family Beer lot with theirs.
Is Family Beer aware of the shared parking? Iron Paw Properties who own those properties.
So, the house that is there right now will be demolished? Yes, it will be. No one lives there now. Will you be taking care of the demolishing as well? Correct.
Is there going to be consideration to the lighting on the outside of the building for the neighbors surrounding the business? Yes, they have talked about the lighting design and being good neighbors. Not sure what is being done but know that it was part of the plan. Can follow up.
Asking about the traffic flow. Will they be using the frontage road or going behind Family Beer? They will be using the frontage road west to east. They would go either to the shared lot or if coming from the east they would be able to turn right into their lot. The road will be maintained by us and what beats a road up is the weight of the vehicle not the number. So will keep an eye on it. Their products are delivered in smaller vans not big trucks.
Do you have any support any fundraising or involvement with the community? Yes, they do by sponsoring local charity events but there might not be ones that they cannot.
Do you have an idea on how many for employment? This should create twenty or more jobs for the local economy.
Asked about the security. Security is a big factor in that they have 24-hour video that the State Police have access to and then have a third-party security service.
What are you looking at hour wise when you are open? Will depend on the market but would be looking at 10 am till 7 pm seven days a week.
The closest will be once it opens will be DeKalb. They do visit regularly.
Have you ever had any legal issues with any of your other stores? No, we have not.
If something happened would the city be liable for it? They assume all liability.
B. Public Comments in Favor of the Request
C. Public Comments Opposed to the Request
D. Final Comments from Zoning Board
See there is a $25,000 fee. Is that negotiated or a standard fee? This is a standard fee that is done yearly which is in code.
IV. Staff Report & Recommendations from Zoning Administrator
A. Findings of Fact / City Manager Bob Seitz
City Manager Bob Seitz –His job is to analyze this and make sure they are meeting all our code. They gave us additional information. Have not had any issues with getting information. Any issues that have come up they have worked through them with the city and DOT. Have gone through our code point by point that was in the packet. If you have any questions on that will be happy to answer them.
Recommend is in favor of Variance Application for NuMed Partners, LLC.
B. Zoning Ordinance Sections
C. Discussion and Possible Action on Recommendation to City Council
i. Discussion and Possible Action to Approve Variance Application for NuMed Partners, LLC at 20170 US Hwy 20 W. in the City of East Dubuque, Jo Daviess County, Illinois
Motion by Deb Redmon to Approve Variance Application for NuMed Partners, LLC at 20170 US Hwy 20 W. second by Robin Pearson ROLL CALL: Ayes – Brad Burgmeier, Jesse Hosch, Dave Lechnir, Robin Pearson, Deb Redmon and Justin Taylor Motion carried Absent – Paul Largent
V. Other Business
VI. Adjournment
End Time: 6:35 p.m.
Motion by Robin Pearson to Adjourn second by Deb Redmon ROLL CALL: Ayes – Brad Burgmeier, Jesse Hosch, Dave Lechnir, Robin Pearson, Deb Redmon and Justin Taylor Motion carried Absent – Paul Largent
Pam McCarthy
City Clerk, East Dubuque