Agenda August 21, 2023

August 18, 2023


261 Sinsinawa Avenue

East Dubuque, IL  61025


August 21, 2023

6:00 p.m.

Please Turn Cell Phones Off During Meeting

Please be Quiet During Discussions

Please Stand for the Pledge of Allegiance

  1. 23-0810     Call to Order – Mayor Digman
  2. 23-0811     Staff Reports:
    1.  City Manager Report
    2. Mayor Report
    3.  Alderperson Report
      1. Belken
      2. Burgmeier
      3. Degenhardt
      4. Fluhr
      5. Meier
      6. Robey
    4. City Attorney, Susan Hess
    5. Police Chief, Luke Kovacic
    6. Public Works Director, Mark Fluhr
    7. Fire Chief, Joe Heim
  3. 23-0812     Speakers from the Floor
  4. 23-0813     Consent Agenda (City Council Minutes 08/07/23, Public Safety Report(s), Warrants, Zoning Minutes and Correspondence ROLL CALL


  1. 23-0814     Discussion and Possible Action to Approve An Ordinance for Remote Participation in the City of East Dubuque, Jo Daviess County, Illinois / Mayor Digman, Interim City Manager Seitz ROLL CALL
  2. 23-0815     Discussion and Possible Action to Approve An Ordinance for Outdoor Burning in the City of East Dubuque, Jo Daviess County, Illinois / Mayor Digman, Interim City Manager Seitz ROLL CALL
  3. 23-0816     Discussion and Possible Action to Approve An Ordinance for Hazardous Materials Regulations in the City of East Dubuque, Jo Daviess County, Illinois / Mayor Digman, Interim City Manager Seitz ROLL CALL
  4. 23-0817     Discussion and Possible Action to Approve An Ordinance for Fire Zone, Fire Lanes and the Like in the City of East Dubuque, Jo Daviess County, Illinois / Mayor Digman, Interim City Manager Seitz ROLL CALL
  5. 23-0818     Discussion and Possible Action to Approve Rescheduling of October Meetings to the Second and Fourth Monday in the City of East Dubuque, Jo Daviess County, Illinois / Mayor Digman, Interim City Manager Seitz ROLL CALL
  6. 23-0819  Discussion and Possible Action to Approve Knights of Columbus to Hold Annual Tootsie Roll Drive on Friday, September 22, 2023, from 2 pm till 6 pm and Saturday September 23, 2023, from 8 am till 12 pm at Wisconsin Ave and Sinsinawa Ave Intersection in the City of East Dubuque, Jo Daviess County, Illinois / Mayor Digman, Interim City Manager Seitz ROLL CALL
  7. 23-0820  Discussion and Possible Action to Appoint Jesse Hosch to the Zoning Board in the City of East Dubuque, Jo Daviess County, Illinois / Mayor Digman, Interim City Manager Seitz ROLL CALL
  8. 23-0821  Discussion and Possible Action to Accept the Resignation of David Kale from the East Dubuque Zoning Board in the City of East Dubuque, Jo Daviess County, Illinois / Mayor Digman, Interim City Manager Seitz ROLL CALL
  9. 23-0822  Presentation of the Jo Daviess County Comprehensive Plan Update with Diane Gallager in the City of East Dubuque, Jo Daviess County, Illinois / Mayor Digman, Interim City Manager Seitz, Diane Gallager ROLL CALL
  10. 23-0823  Adjourn

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