Attention east Dubuque Sewer Customers
Beginning in April 2022, the City will be completing a water, sewer and road project along Beecher Street. The City will be utilizing two IEPA loans and City funds to complete the projects. In addition, the City is receiving $2.2 Million in grant monies for construction costs associated with an unsewered project within the City limits.
The Beecher Street Project and engineering costs associated with the unsewered grant is estimated to cost $1,225,428.33. A portion of the total costs are being paid with and Illinois Environmental Protection Agency’s Public Water Supply Loan (PWSLP) and the rest City funds. The total loan eligible amount is $426,239.23 and is being financed in part with 30-year 0.83% loan from the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency’s Water Pollution Control Loan Program (WPCLP). The City will also be securing $127,871.77 in principal loan forgiveness from IEPA. The final loan amount the City will have to pay back on this loan is estimated at $298,367.50.
The Water Pollution Control Revolving Fund (SRF) is administered by the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency (IEPA). A portion of the IEPA money to fund these types of projects comes from the US Environmental Protection Agency. SRF programs operate in each state to provide communities with the resources to build, maintain and improve the infrastructure that protects one of our most valuable resources: sewer
For more information contact City Hall.