June 25, 2019


Beginning in July 2019, the City will be completing a wastewater treatment facility improvements project. The project entails modifications to the existing wastewater treatment plant, including but not limited to upgrading the screening/grit removal to a new mechanical vortex grit removal system; replacement of the existing influent pumps with new, heavy duty pumps and rehabilitation of the existing structure; replacement of the blowers with variable frequency drives to improve energy efficiency; blower building upgrades; upgrades to the aeration tank components; replacement of clarifier equipment and new clarifier building with foundation; upgrades to the plant electrical, MCC and control system; replacement of various plant operational process and drain valves throughout the wastewater treatment plant; replacement of two influent flow sanitary manholes, replacement of wastewater samplers, and the installation of a new backup generator.

The total project is estimated to cost $3,837,243.92 and is being financed with 20-year 1% loan from the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency’s Water Pollution Control Loan Program (WPCLP). The City will also be securing $1,726,759.76 in principal loan forgiveness from IEPA. The final loan amount the City will have to pay back is estimated at $2,110,484.20.

The Water Pollution Control State Revolving Loan Fund (SRF) is administered by the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency (IEPA). A portion of the IEPA money to fund these types of projects comes from the US Environmental Protection Agency. SRF programs operate in each state to provide communities with the resources to build, maintain and improve the infrastructure that protects one of our most valuable resources: water.

For more information on the City’s project, please contact City Hall at 815-747-3416. For information on the IEPA loan program, contact Community Funding & Planning Services at 815-947-8224.

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