June 17, 2024 Minutes
261 Sinsinawa Avenue
East Dubuque, IL 61025
June 17, 2024
6:00 pm
Please Stand for the Pledge of Allegiance
1. 24-0612 Call to Order – Mayor Digman
Start Time: 6:00 pm
Alderperson Belken, Alderperson Burgmeier, Alderperson Degenhardt, Alderperson Meier, Alderperson Robey, Mayor Digman and Attorney Hess Absent – Alderperson Fluhr
2. 24-0613 Staff Reports
The TV behind is to have better discussion and to have better transparency on our financial things but also the presentations we get. This is also to make sure we are looking at the same things. This will also help with the financial side. Purchased the TV and stand with the other items here.
The Financial side we are close to being able to work on the reports that will be coming to you on a regular basis. April was just closed out which means the 2024 fiscal year is done and balanced from our internal perspective. This is ready to go to the auditor, but we do need the RFP done to go out to select a new auditor.
Police station project with the rain we had a few weeks ago the entire first floor was saturated. To keep the damage and mold down had asked someone to come in and remove the carpeting and take out the ceiling. This is so that they can look to see how much damage there is to the roof and what it will take to fix it.
The sewage lift stations had another look at them to see if all the work that Fehr Graham estimated needed to be done was accurate. But it looks like the pumps, rails, electrical and electronics need to be replaced but the overall structure of each is in “generally good’ to “very good” condition with “no major signs of deterioration.” Looks like we will just need to section off the Frentress station since it was made for the Silver Eagle when it was here. Hiawatha lift station is still the worst of all and first on the list to be done.
The lot north of the water tower has been surveyed and been submitted to the County. We can move ahead with an appraisal.
We are ready to send to the auditor when we have hired one.
b. Mayor Report
Want to ask the council to get some feedback on the Duplex. We are coming down on properties that are abandoned, and this is a big one for us. We did everything by the book, but we are at a standstill. So, if anyone can let him know what should or could be done with it.
c. Alderperson Report
i. Belken
Was asked about the trash not being picked up downtown after events. The trash bins are half to full after these events. Said that we have two less employees from last year and they are doing the best that they can.
ii. Burgmeier
iii. Degenhardt
iv. Fluhr
v. Meier
vi. Robey
Where do we stand with that bill collection with the State of Illinois. We will check on that.
Did we contract for any of the Police and Fire Department yet. Took it up a couple of meetings ago with the initial contract with Origin for $5,000.00 to do a rough design so that we would be able to contract out.
We have not moved forward with the police department roof yet. No.
d. City Attorney, Susan Hess
e. Police Chief, Luke Kovacic
f. Public Works Director, Tony VanOstrand
g. Fire Chief, Joe Heim
i. Badge Pinning of Elizabeth Heim promotion to Lieutenant
Was sworn in as Lieutenant and then pinned by her Mother and Grandfather Heim since Dad was not able to make it.
ii. New Fire Engine
Asked to see if everyone has been able to see the new engine.
3. 24-0614 Speakers from the Floor
No speakers
4. 24-0615 Consent Agenda (City Council Minutes 06/03/24, Public Safety Reports(s), Warrants, Zoning Minutes and Correspondence)
Motion by Alderperson Belken to Approve Consent Agenda (City Council Minutes 06/03/24, Public Safety Reports(s), Warrants, Zoning Minutes and Correspondence) second by Alderperson Meier ROLL CALL: Ayes – Alderperson Belken, Alderperson Burgmeier, Alderperson Degenhardt, Alderperson Meier and Alderperson Robey Motion carried Absent – Alderperson Fluhr
9. 24-0609 Discussion and Possible Action to Approve IEPA PWSL Loan 17-6364 Request #2 in the Amount of $10,000.00 including CFPS Invoice #2 in the City of East Dubuque, Jo Daviess County, Illinois / Mayor Digman, City Manager Seitz
This was the one tabled because we did not have the invoice at the last meeting.
Motion by Alderperson Robey to Approve IEPA PWSL Loan 17-6364 Request #2 in the Amount of $10,000.00 including CFPS Invoice #2 second by Alderperson Burgmeier ROLL CALL: Ayes – Alderperson Belken, Alderperson Burgmeier, Alderperson Degenhardt, Alderperson Meier and Alderperson Robey Motion carried Absent – Alderperson Fluhr
5. 24-0616 Presentation and Discussion with DNR for Stormwater Study and Flooding Mitigation in the City of East Dubuque, Jo Daviess County, Illinois / Mayor Digman, City Manager Seitz
Wes Cattoor and Arthur Kaweesi gave a presentation on our stormwater and flooding we have in East Dubuque here. What they had been asked to do was to see if there was any funding that the State of Illinois could provide for the city. They took the WHKS study that was done for the city and did some tweaking to bring it up to date. Look to see what if’s 1. not doing anything,
2. maintenance, 3-5. Reservoirs, 6-7. Raising the embankment of the 3rd St. 8-13. Running through other options on Wisconsin Ave and the 3rd St. drain. Why some of the options had been kicked out because there are better options to get where the city needs done. First and foremost, they recommend the maintenance of the channel. DNR would be able to help with retention ponds if the city is really looking at this option. The last option they suggest would be buyouts.
We know we do have major issues that we need to address and figure out.
No Action Required
6. 24-0617 Presentation and Discussion with Dan McDonald of Greater Dubuque in the City of East Dubuque, Jo Daviess County, Illinois / Mayor Digman, City Manager Seitz
Will be at the July 1st meeting.
No Action Required
7. 24-0618 Discussion and Possible Action to Approve An Ordinance to Allow the City Clerk to Serve, Concurrently and also, as the City Treasurer for the City of East Dubuque in the City of East Dubuque, Jo Daviess County, Illinois / Mayor Digman, City Manager Seitz
They are being introduced to serve to clarify that there is no conflict of duties between the City Clerk and City Treasurer. There was a question out there as to if they are compatible under Illinois Law. So, to avoid any possible problems with that we drafted these ordinances. This is just to be on the safe side because none of the Clerk and Treasurer current duties are incompatible. These ordinances are to clarify there is no conflict of duty between the clerk and treasurer as they are defined. We just need to make sure they are not incompatible.
City Clerk is an elected official. Yes.
This doesn’t connect the two positions in the code. This allows the council to have the same person do both jobs.
What the treasurer and the city clerk do does not conflict. But will watch to make sure that it does not happen. They both report to the City Manager, which takes them out of overlapping.
Still concerned about a person doing three different jobs. Do not see how that is possible. Have been basically functioning this way through the budget. With the outside person helping has also streamlined the treasurer position to only have certain defined duties. It is not as much of a leap as it seems since both Des and Pam were doing the work already. Agree it is a challenge and will need to watch it but saw the activity that Tony, Luke, Joe and Tony L have done with the new software of watching their budgets. That was solely handled by the people who made the bank accounts. Now we have people responsible for their own budget line by line.
Motion by Alderperson Degenhardt to Approve An Ordinance to Allow the City Clerk to Serve, Concurrently and also, as the City Treasurer for the City of East Dubuque second by Alderperson Belken ROLL CALL: Ayes – Alderperson Belken, Alderperson Burgmeier, Alderperson Degenhardt and Alderperson Meier Nays – Alderperson Robey Motion carried Absent – Alderperson Fluhr
8. 24-0619 Discussion and Possible Action to Approve An Ordinance to Allow the City Treasurer to Serve, Concurrently and also, as the City Clerk for the City of East Dubuque in the City of East Dubuque, Jo Daviess County, Illinois / Mayor Digman, City Manager Seitz
This is similar to the one before just the title change.
Motion by Alderperson Belken to Approve An Ordinance to Allow the City Treasurer to Serve, Concurrently and also, as the City Clerk for the City of East Dubuque second by Alderperson Degenhardt ROLL CALL: Ayes – Alderperson Belken, Alderperson Burgmeier and Alderperson Degenhardt and Alderperson Meier Nays – Alderperson Robey Motion carried Absent – Alderperson Fluhr
9. 24-0620 Adjourn
End Time: 7:01 pm
Motion by Alderperson Degenhardt to Adjourn second by Alderperson Meier ROLL CALL: Ayes – Alderperson Belken, Alderperson Burgmeier, Alderperson Degenhardt, Alderperson Fluhr and Alderperson Robey Motion carried Absent – Alderperson Meier
Pam McCarthy
City Clerk, East Dubuque