July 29, 2024 Development, Planning and Infrastructure Committee Minutes

August 6, 2024


Development, Planning and Infrastructure Committee

261 Sinsinawa Avenue

East Dubuque, IL  61025


July 29, 2024

6:00 pm

Please Stand for the Pledge of Allegiance

   1.  Call to Order – Chair Meier

   2.  Roll Call – City Clerk McCarthy

Start Time: 6:00 pm

Alderperson Belken, Alderperson Robey and Mayor Digman

   3.  Overview of Committee Responsibility – City Manager Seitz

The Façade is what we will be talking about today. As you all know, last year at this time we did not have the TIF money available to us. So that we where not able to do any programs. We now have money available in our TIF’s which other communities do not have. Starting with the heart of the community which is this business district here. By giving it a face lift by updating the façade. Will combine that with everything else that is going on with the downtown area.

A façade would be anything on a building that you can see from the street. Does not have to do with internal and things you cannot see. Windows, awnings, tuckpointing and painting are all things that can be done to spruce up the façade. To get things started found a packet from the Chicago metropolitan agency how to guide for façades. Working from that and other sources this is what City Manager Seitz came up with. This is what he came up with City of East Dubuque Commercial Façade Improvement Award Program Application Packet. This is so they will be able to apply for the award. There are items highlighted that the committee would need to decide upon what they would like to decide on. Primary it would be the percentage that you want to cover, the max amount we will give back and what area want. Note that all these businesses have been contributing to this TIF since 2007. Want to make sure to make an impact.

There are the instructions on the front followed by the application they will need to fill out. It was structured as an award instead of just paying them to make the changes. They will not receive their award until they are done.

The question that is asked most would this need to be prevailing wage. After discussing it we do not think it would be because they are not working for the City. It would be the owner/renter’s responsibility to pay them. From our perspective this is not necessary but we are not lawyers and would be up to the owner/renter to make sure they are doing what is required.

Do we know what we have in the downtown TIF. That is a good question we have about half a million. We have to spend this money by 2031 and each year this gets makes about $90,000 a year. Note the project needs to be finished before they receive their award. If needed, we can use money from the other TIF districts.

Asked if the TIF money could be used for infrastructure yes it can. We are budgeted to do the main road and then will be done next year. You can use low interest grants with infrastructure but not the façades. So why not use TIF money on façades and grants for infrastructure. This way we can bring back people to our downtown area.

This will only be done with TIF money.

Is there any way to have them inspected. Yes, there is but we will have everything approved by the council before they start. There is also another use of opening up of the second floor between apartments or new businesses.

Will need both the renter and landlord to agree on the façade improvement.

Anyone can apply in any of the TIF areas.

   4.  Discussion and possible action to recommend a Façade Improvement Program to the City Council.

Think should keep business down here. Looking at Wall St and Sinsinawa Ave between Jordan Ave and Wisconsin Ave. Looking to do 50% of the work and no more than $30,000.

Motion by Alderperson Belken and second by Alderperson Meier will all Ayes from Alderperson Meier, Alderperson Belken and Alderperson Robey.

   5.  Adjournment

End Time: 5:50 pm

Chair Meier adjourned.

Pam McCarthy

City Clerk, East Dubuque

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